
美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台,Michael Merschel报道


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关于心脏健康饮食的最新词汇是“平衡”." A new report encourages people to think of broad eating habits instead of narrowly focusing on single foods. 它不是一刀切的规则,而是为个人喜好留下了空间.

"The emphasis is on dietary patterns, not specific foods or nutrients," said Alice H. 利希滕斯坦,他领导了《沙巴足球体育平台》的写作委员会 美国心脏协会的科学声明. “这不仅仅是关于人们不应该吃什么. 重点是人们应该吃什么, 所以他们可以根据自己的个人喜好和生活方式来定制."

The guidance, last updated in 2006, was published Tuesday in the AHA journal Circulation. The advice is consistent with federal dietary guidelines but emphasizes the latest research on reducing the risk of heart disease.

The report seeks to dispel the idea that a heart-healthy diet is about adding one vegetable or vitamin, 利希滕斯坦说, Gershoff Professor of Nutrition Science and Policy and director of the Cardiovascular Nutrition Laboratory at Tufts University in Boston. 而不是, it emphasizes the importance of "the whole package" of what someone eats over the course of a day or week.

“如果我们在饮食中增加一种东西的摄入量, 我们倾向于减少其他东西的摄入,她说. "And both the increase in one dietary component and decrease in another dietary component can have independent effects. What's really important is the balance of everything together that has the biggest impact on cardiovascular health."





-选择健康的蛋白质来源, mostly from plant sources (legumes and nuts); regularly eating fish and seafood; substituting nonfat and low-fat dairy products in place of full-fat versions; and for people who eat meat, 选择精肉而不是加工过的肉.

-使用液体植物油代替热带油(椰子油), palm and palm kernel) and animal fats (lard and butter) or partially hydrogenated fats.






而不是提供卡路里计数, 该指南承认每个人的需求各不相同, Lichtenstein说:. 例如,在成年期,能量需求每十年减少一次. "If you are physically active, you have a little more flexibility in terms of what you eat."

在平衡吃多少和吃什么时, 报告的合著者玛雅·瓦迪韦洛说, "the goal is to make sure all of those calories count and that you're consuming nutrient-dense foods."

美国人的饮食习惯已经改变, 说Vadiveloo, an assistant professor in the department of nutrition and food sciences at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston. “几十年前,人们会在外面吃饭,这是一种享受.“人们可能会把健康放在一边.

现在, people can choose from meal delivery kits and prepared foods at grocery stores as well as fast-food, 快速休闲和坐下的餐厅, 她说. “它几乎是每个人饮食模式的常规组成部分." And people need to think about what they're eating no matter where they are.

But heart-healthy eating habits shouldn't be seen as punitive, Lichtenstein说:.

“你喜欢吃什么就吃什么,”她说. 但有时, 你只需要更仔细地选择, 考虑频率和调整份量."

The new guidance emphasizes the importance of incorporating food and nutrition education into schools, 从小就开始, Lichtenstein说:. "This will ensure children have the basic facts and can draw on these as they develop into independent adults, 做出自己的选择."

The statement also acknowledges misinformation and the systemic problems – such as racism, 社区隔离, food insecurity and targeted marketing – that can be barriers to adhering to heart-healthy eating patterns. The report called it a "public health imperative" to work on policies that remove these barriers.


例如, Lichtenstein说:, someone who regularly eats presweetened full-fat yogurt can identify fat-free or low-fat varieties containing less sugar. Someone who regularly eats crackers can shift to varieties made with whole grains and less sodium. Or someone might halve their portions of pasta or white rice at a meal and add an extra serving of vegetables.

Vadiveloo also suggested simple substitutions – such as replacing white sandwich bread with whole wheat. “也许你每周吃一顿饭,用豆类作为蛋白质来源, 或者有一次你把加工过的肉换成了鱼."

你选择吃什么只是心脏健康的一部分,利希滕斯坦说. 只要记住,“并不是只有一件事而没有另一件事. It's the balance among your choices in terms of diet and, ultimately, lifestyle."

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